BH3 #497

BH3 #497


Monday January 25, 2010


Start: 4th and 9th St.


On-In: Boat Bar Inc. on Smith & Wyckoff


Scribe: Trips & Balls



Dear Diary,


            Today I went to the Brooklyn Hash.  Ok, I can’t lie to you diary…it was actually a few weeks ago, sorry I’ve been so busy and neglecting you!  Where was I, oh yeah, I was on my way to the Brooklyn hash and you know me, always reading or sleeping on the subway…I knew I had to get off at 4th and 9th, but when I looked up and saw a sign saying 9th street I panicked and quickly hopped off the train.  Sadly I was once stop too early at Smith and 9th, gah!  I had to walk past all kinds of crazy people talking to themselves and make my way to they start. Anyways once I got there it was a really fun time.   


            Bobby the Barnacle was the hare.  He nicely told me the on-in location in case I couldn’t catch up with the pack.  Awe.  Turns out after running a few lonely blocks I caught up to the pack looking dazed and confused at a check.  I was very happy to see some of my favoritest Brooklynites and BH3 supporters were out and about tonight.  Headlights was chipper as always, USMW had a spring in her step, FMIG was late just like me, Ding was wearing a yellow strap that he claimed was made to be worn for reflective purposes, but really was a fluorescent beauty pageant sash from the 90’s.   


            Everyone seemed to be in good spirits.  Red-headed Steve, Sari, Headlights, and Jess were even bounding along trail as if they all hadn’t run a stellar half marathon race yesterday.  The whole pack got a bit confused when we came upon a check immediately after solving another check.  Hmm could the Barnacle have crossed his own trail?  We hoped not and continued running over the smelly Gowanus canal and finishing up with a mere 3.8 miles logged on trail.  Roy “Dogface” Gilbert was the only stalwart hasher who apparently found and completed the entire trail.  



            FMIG and Headlights gave out a long string of down-downs.  Forgive me diary, but I’d better get to bed soon so I’ll just put these in bullet form with my thoughts in parentheses!


–Barnacle for doing a crap job (we got to sing the S.H.I.T.T.Y. T.R.A.I.L. song!)


–Canine Fixation and “Nads on Film” (I must confess diary I’m not really sure who this is, I think it’s a newish hash name) both accused “Legal in Some States” for not calling back on trail.  Lame accusation so we made him drink for sleeping with his sister instead.


US Marine Whore got one for catching her own face in the zipper of her hoodie (LOL really it was priceless). 


–Ding!  Got one for his lovely crossing guard / 90’s beauty pageant winner reflective gear. (safety first!)


–“Oral Values” (really? can’t we come up with a cooler name for Sari?!) got one for being a racist…her D-tag was still attached to her shoe.


–Trips & Balls (that’s me) got one for getting off on the wrong subway stop (boo!).  


–Oral Values and Technically Foul were accused of alcohol abuse for spilling the down-downs while setting them up (hey, at least they were trying to help out).


–Dogface got one for getting lost and actually managing to r*n the whole trail.


–Eager for Beaver and Smashmouth got one…something to do with DBB showing up to see E4B’s wife 69-down yet she never showed up (that’d be some manage a trios).


–Finally Red-Headed Steve got a couple for talking during the circle and drinking his first down-down with his pinky up.


            Honestly diary, I didn’t think it was a bad circle, but I bet all those BH3 regulars can’t wait for FMIG to retire already!  Standard on-in events such as drinking beer and eating pizza followed the circle.  Then for a nice change of pace we got to meet Barnacle’s super-cute, 3-legged dog Hopper.  Headlights and Hopper hit it off and made-out right in the bar in front of all of us!  Now if that’s not good hash gossip I don’t know what is…


I promise I’ll be better and write in you more often,


-Trips & Balls

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