BH3 #475

    Brooklyn Hash House Harriers

    Run #475(Tour de Brooklyn #9)/8-24-09

    Hares: Sandy Syphilis & Just Jess

    On In: Franklin Park

    Scribe: Melanie 

There was a sweet smell of relief in the air as we began this 
second-to-last leg of the Tour de Brooklyn. 
Perhaps it came from the cooler weather than we have had for the past few weeks. Maybe it was from the short ride via the L-train to a location most 
Brooklyn hashers know all too well. Or maybe it was because after this hash, there is only ONE MORE HASH to the completion of the Tour de Brooklyn. 
We started on a trail which the hares had set backwards and which they 
claimed would be easy to see, even after the sun set. The first mile or so took us through the cruddy areas under the BQE, then south through the residential areas of Willy-b. So, on-on we went, touching Clinton Hill, Fort Greene, down Myrtle Avenue and through Fort Greene park. We were back in Brownstone Brooklyn, the neighborhoods we know and love, and where many of us live. 
By mile 4 or so, we passed Atlantic Avenue train station and headed south-east into Prospect Heights. The pack was doing well, until the corner of Eastern Parkway and Washington Ave. There was no mark. There was no check. 
We knew there were plenty of Beer-Near opportunities if we just turned 
left on Washington….Left? On left? Please on left??? But no. 
On-on straight down Eastern Parkway, through the exact same bike path 
we ran through on leg 7, to Franklin Avenue. 
Two more on-lefts brought us to the on-in, Franklin Park. 
So what did we think of the trail? 
Well, it sucked on principle, it was mostly well marked except for one 
little spot, and yes, we could still see it after dark. 
However, the hares certainly enjoyed leaving "interesting" marks for 
the pack to decipher. 
These included 
– This is not a HALT 
– Checks with drawings of hands. 
– empty circles with question marks 
– smiley faces with nothing apparent to smile at. 
Who got the down-downs? 
– The hares, just because 
– The virgins, including Fritz the SO of C*ntcake 
– The visitors from (South Africa, was it?) 
– The Saint, nominated by FMIG 
– Visiting JM, Trips and Balls, for falsely accusing a visitor of 
wearing of new shoes 
– One of the virgins, again, for asking "where are we ending?" when 
still at the start 
– Sandy Syphilis for the smilie-face mark, which tricked the pack to 
think we were near beer 
How about that On-In? 
Franklin Park, a fine establishment recently mentioned in Time Out New 
York as one of the 13 best bars in New York City, hosted our 
The beer selection was impressive, mostly micro-brews, including Retro 
Red, Jacks Pumpkin Ale, and definitely not a Budweiser in sight. 
Even the down-downs were a nice, dark, maple syrup colored brew: 
Just Melanie