NYCH3 #1292

NYCH3 #1292


Sunday November 9, 2008

Hare: Splat!

Start: Sheridan Square

On-In: Flannery’s, 14th Street and 7th Ave.

Scribe: Just Matt


On a beautiful crisp Sunday afternoon, the hashers gathered in Sheridan Square to partake in the first New York trail set by our California transplant, Splat!  As we were waiting for the trail to begin, a couple of hashers took notice of the group collecting inside the fenced-in park.  It’s unfortunate those observing us from inside the park were not around at the beginning of the Red Dress R*n, as they could have definitely benefitted from some tips of the trade from our hairy-chested homme fatales.  But, I digress as I’m supposed to be talking about Splat!’s trail and not the image of him in a red frock.  After chalk talk, we set off wending our way through the West Village over to the Hudson and the West Side Highway.  In Chelsea, we came to a Chicken-Eagle split.  After cheering on our impressive, overachieving hashers at the end of their 5 Borough tour the previous weekend, I opted for contented underachievement and drinking sooner.  We were about 5 blocks from the On-In and those crazy eagle bastards decided to keep going!  As I poured myself a nice Brooklyn Lager, the Eagles trekked back to the Hudson, up to the 30’s and back to the On-In.


Fortunately, a circle broke out to distract me from the horrendous showing the Steelers were making against the Colts.  Down-downs were as follows:


-Splat! the hare started it off.


-Virgins Zack, Rebecca, Pete, and Unnamed 4th.


-Visitors from Pennsylvania (Cat et. al, who are from here forward no longer visitors)


-Jeremy was called out for being far too attached and proud of his brand new running bag.


-US Marine Whore and Noah’s Dinghy for an offense I can’t recall.


-Kristin received a down-down for regaling other hashers about the health benefits of Guinness.  Good to see the “Guinness Gives You Strength” campaign is finally gaining some traction after 75 years.


-Cree and Kerry were cited for being unusually late to the On-In, contrary to their normal speedy hashing.


-FMIG received a down-down for shamelessly promoting the upcoming GGFM’s celebration of his 4 year hashing anniversary.


-AOTW was awarded to Redheaded Steve shortcutting the trail, as the steak tartare he had consumed for lunch proved to be a rather unsettling passenger on trail.


Steelers lose.  At least I’ve had some beers and tasty pizza.  On-Out!

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