NYCH3 #1254

NYCH3 #1254
February 24, 2008
Start: 23rd and Seventh Ave.
Hares: Mean Jean the Down Down Machine, Wet Connection & Tit Totaller
On-in: Crocodile Lounge (14th St between 1st and 2nd Ave.)
Scribe: Blackout


This is a makeup writeup, so not much can be remembered from this hash.  Oh wait:

– Before trail there was mention of a ‘new’ bar.
– There actually was snow on the ground (in hindsight probably the only day the whole winter)
– Trail wandered around Chelsea, over to Union Square, to the definitely not new on-in, Crocodile Lounge
– Jello shot check, which was quickly broken up when cops approached

Circle Notes:
– Mean Jean for announcing a "new bar" in her email
– the Hares
– no visitors or virgins
– Matt for answering his phone on trail
– Cree for human bobsledding
– Cree again for new shoes
– Dave Too Long and Dave Byron Brown for Angry British Dave drink award
– Alice for missing a jello shot
– Pussy Repellent for panicking when seeing cops, telling everyone to run for it
– Seth for going to Hooters on Valentines Day
– Pamela for complaining about porn shops on trail, also followed random jogger thinking it was a hasher
– AOTW: Betsy for spitting in Chelsea Market


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