GGFM #200

The Truth



Official Organ of the Greater Gotham Full Moon

Hash House Harriers


200th GGFM & All Hallows Eve Extravaganza

G2FMH3 Hash #200 – Wednesday, October 31, 2007

 Hare:  Empress Norma with help from the GGFM committeeStart/On-In:  Bar None (3rd Ave and 13th St)Punk Ass Bitch (Scribe):  Girl Scout Nookie  As if the annual Halloween Hash isn’t enough excuse to drink, this year’s event was also the 200th GGFM.  The Halloween Hash has been described as the second largest r*n in the hash behind the Red Dress (and maybe post-marathon bash) and it truly didn’t disappoint.  About 60 hashers arrived dressed as zombies, gay 80’s aerobics instructors, Gorillas, Posh and Becks (US Marine Whore/Noah’s Dinghy), Boy Scouts, some weird cross-dressing with wigs (Redhead Steve!), Where’s Waldo (Eager for Beaver) Blackout (not as himself, but a super hero, and blackout he did later), and the rest are a blur after the seemingly limitless beer we drank till 1 in the morning.   Empress Norma, our hare, arrived in her Peter Pan of the Underworld costume.  She was the mockery of East Village kids as she laid trail marks.  Anna and I drug ourselves away from the pre-game to take up residence in Sty town armed with 2 jugs of vodka/Gatorade concoction, where we promptly started drinking and catcalling non-hashers.  Redhead Steve checked in every 10 minutes to detail his cop situation with the drink check that almost didn’t happen; he was about 2 feet from the fuzz for a good 30 minutes.  Most people missed it anyways as the lazy bastards went back to the bar knowing it was A to A.   Our drink check went smoothly as it was only 4 blocks into the trail.  I have no idea what the rest of the trail was like, but here’s what I heard…  Doggy Paddle broke her hand while trying to navigate her roller girl costume on trail.  Also on trail, two gladiator girls ran into two other gladiator girls who refused their challenge to battle.  Due to the usual trail cutting into the parade for about a block, there was a lot of mayhem.   US Marine Whore had some great haberdashery, cups that changed color when they had liquid in them.  Ingenious!  You always knew when it was time for another beer.  During the down downs, we had the changing of the committee:  Joint Masters US Marine Whore
Empress Norma
Religious Advisor – Scot Gleason
Hare Raisers – Anna and Girl Scout Nookie
On-Sec – Lauren Haberdasher – Redhead SteveSergeant at Arms – Crazy Bob   We barely finished the down downs when the rest of the bar took over the back section and ate our pizza.  Then we found ourselves dancing to the worst DJ in hash history.   Towards the end of the night, after many left and more hashers were dancing and drinking, I found myself stalked by a male non hasher (or was that a non male hasher?) for a good two hours.  Looking to my comrades for rescue, all I found was a big hasher high school-esque make out party.  I half expected our parents to pick us up in their Volvos.  I think that pretty much sums up the night.  Nearly everyone jetted shortly thereafter, except Officer Dave Arthur and I who went to another bar, thereby becoming the last two people standing. On out!