NYCH3 #1231
Date: Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Hare: Wet Connection
A to A trail: Billy Mark’s at 29th and 9th ave
Scribe: Lauren

Need I say anymore? I don’t think so, but I will…
Wet Connection’s trail was a fabulously short loop around Midtown, through Madison Square park and back to where we started at BillyMarks. Because the pack was sick of long trails and anxious to get to the drinking portion of the evening we were on trail for a grand total of 28 minutes.
Upon arriving at BillyMarks we were supplied with increasingly warm PBR’s (Somehow on-in’s just don’t believe us when we say we’ll have 50 thirsty people arriving!) and plenty of pizza. Wet Connection was stressed because despite being given the “friends and family discount” hash cash still ran out earlier than she would have liked. [SIDE NOTE: Beware: the price of hash cash may soon be rising! The powers-that-be are in agreement that it has been far too long since inflation has come to the hash. Just a friendly warning J]
With hash cash tapped for the evening we all dug into our pockets for a little supplemental dough. Most of us found a few sweaty dollar bills. But, our above-mentioned hero of the evening pulled out several bags of deliciously cooked cookie dough! Cookies were distributed and rapidly taste-tested by more than a few hashers. This “special recipe” snack was enough to keep the crowd partying far too hard and far too late for a week night. Yours truly spent the entire next day in bed wondering “what was I thinking?!”
If you care what the down-downs were continue to the next page…
First up was Joe Pennsylvania and myself being held responsible for the last two trails which were too long and consequently not fun.
Then Crawlaholic had a few chugs, one for turning 40 this week and one for the gorgeous new rock on her finger courtesy of Dave Long.
Jean for getting some sun while on vaca in Greece, and Jumpin’ Jack Gash and myself for being “tan all over” after a little nude beach action in Greece.
There were some unmemorable virgins and visitors followed by Fast American Dave for his usual “getting lost and r*nning longer than everyone else”
I’m sure Wet Connection had a down-down in there somewhere for setting a great trail.
And finally Jillian got AOTW for paying hash cash in change. Sheesh