NYCH3 #1220
July 4, 2007
HARES: Committee Members FMIG, Eager4Beaver, Blackout
Start: The Patriot
On In: The Brazen Head (Atlantic Ave between Court St. & Boerum Pl., Brooklyn)
Scribe: Joe Pennsylvania
The good ol’ USA turned 231 years old on July 4, and the NYCH3 celebrated it with a hash.
We started off the Holiday afternoon with a prelube at the venerable institution featuring scantily-clad bartenders called the Patriot (appropriate for Independence Day) — always a good way to start the hashing day. After chalk talk to a plethora of approximately 20 virgins and visitors administered by Eager 4 Beaver, the pack of about 60 hashers started off west on Chambers. The trail headed east towards the Hudson, south for a bit, over the World Trade Center site, through City Hall Park and then over the Brooklyn Bridge into Brooklyn.
Did you know that Brooklyn has more residents than Boston, Atlanta, St. Louis and San Francisco COMBINED?? What, you don’t believe me? Well let’s take a look at the 2000 U.S. census results:
Boston 589,141 residents
Atlanta 416,474 residents
St. Louis 348,189 residents
San Francisco 776,733 residents
Kids, that totals 2,130,537 (check my math – I dare you).
Brooklyn 2,465,326 residents
Brooklyn has 334,789 more residents than those four cities combined. Those four cities have four major league baseball teams amongst them. Brooklyn – zero. But I digress.
Anyway, back to the trail. Down from the Brooklyn Bridge and into DUMBO (that is an acronym for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass – as virgin and Brooklynite Shona explained to me on trail), through some other very nice Brooklyn nabes, and into a beer check bar called Angry Wade’s (224 Smith Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 – Joey can use Google!). After a small beverage, we followed the trail a short distance over “on in” to The Brazen Head.
I will put my NYCH3 Trailmaster hat on here – the whole event wasn’t that bad. The trail was pretty much well-marked (except for a stretch near the Borough of Manhattan Community College than confounded Joey and a handful of virgins). Semi-reasonable trail distance. Great pre-lube. Plenty of ample beer at the on-in. Not bad at all. I give the whole affair a 9.0 out of a possible 10, (a 10 being the score for any trail that Joey sets.)
After a bit of beverage imbibing, the hashers were called together for the ceremony. Religious Advisor FMIG started to commence the ceremony, but was rudely interrupted by Salt Lick, who was promptly awarded a down-down for her insurgency. Saint, the Brooklyn Hash JM in attendance, administered down-downs to the hares. Others went to:
· FMIG for head wear (foam Statue of Liberty crown) in the circle
· Numerous visitors, including Steve from the Seoul, Korea and Dallas, TX hashes
· Numerous virgins, including virgins brought to the affair by Joey and Marie W. – let’s see we had Kelly, Shona, Grace, Jim and Maria, plus a handful of virgins accompanying the aforementioned Seoul and Dallas Steve
· The lovely Cockstar, newly off the market, for sporting headlights on trail, and also for going off trail predicting the on in was The Last Exit, of which of course it wasn’t
· Cockstar and Pussy Repellent, for their recent engagement (good luck, kids!)
· Fast American Dave #6 for leading a good deal of hashers astray by calling out “on on”, when he was not
· AOTW (and the accompanying plunger down-down) went to Cockstar for some anti-American r*nning comments on Independence Day
After down-downs, the beer kept flowing, pizza was consumed, virgins, visitors, and regulars had a good time, the beer kept flowing, yours truly left with his bevy of virgins, honest Eager 4 Beaver left the establishment with a bevy of hash cash in his pocket and beer still flowing, the cash of which he is donating to the NYCH3 treasury (nice job with that negotiation, fellas!), and NYC hash number 1220 and the USA’s 231st birthday entered the history books.
On out, team!