Date: Sunday, February 11th, 2007
Start: 238th/Broadway
Hares: Wet Connection and YankIT!
Punk-Ass Bitch (Scribe): Lauren
On-In: J.C. Mac’s, 238th St. Bronx
Writing Write-Ups For DUMMIES:
The 5 easy steps to a good write-up
Step 1: List all pertinent information at the top: Sometimes a little research is necessary.
Example: See Above
Step 2: Describe the Trail/On-In: Give a general idea of how the trail was, but keep it brief—no one wants to hear about every rock you jumped over or which streets you had to turn left at.
Example: This weeks’ trail was fantastic! We ran all over Van Cortlandt Park. We climbed hills, we battled thorns, we solved checks, we had two chances for Chicken/Eagle splits and we had a hell of a fun time running on trails instead of streets for a change. The on-in was a little smoky and had a few creepy regulars, but the juke-box was rockin’ and the beer was flowing…the Bronx never disappoints.
Step 3: Mention Specific Hashers: This way if you can’t think of anything funny and the whole write-up just sucks at least you’re guaranteed that they will enjoy reading it.
Example: The usual suspects were out in full force despite the cold weather: Mean Jean, Jumpin’ Jack Gash, Wet Connection, YankIT, Peter, Leslie, Fast American Dave, BlackOut, Doggie Style, Lunch, Geoff, Lisa, Dave Too Long, and Hardy just to name a few.
Step 4: Describe the Down-downs: This section can be super detailed or short-and-sweet (like me!) depending on how much material you have to work with.
Example: The Down-downs were delved out by Joint Masters JJG and Mean Jean as follows:
Hares– Wet Connection who looked like she baked us a cake as she was covered in flour and YankIT!
WC and YankIT again– Because she chose an on-in that favored the rivals of his favorite football team
Visitors– Two Canadian wankers that complained about all the goose-shit and that the trail was too long
Virgin– Dan, a seemingly nice dude that was willing to drink out of his new shoes
Peter and Dave Too Long– For being too cool to follow trail and just going off on their own after getting stuck on a false trail
Cat ladies– Marie, Lisa, and Leslie who chatted about their favorite felines while on trail, and WC again for signing her little guy up to get his balls chopped off this week
Racists– Joe Pennsylvania, Doggie Style, and Marie for running the Bronx half marathon earlier in the day and showing up for more punishment (or just more beer in Jen’s case!)
Asshole of the week– Me, for wearing shorts and ignoring Crofty’s “below-forty = no shorts” rule
Step 5: Wrap it up with a one or two liner: If you’re desperate just put, “on-out” but try for something that brings closure and goes with your theme.
Example: It’s only five steps people not twelve…you should be able to handle that! Help out your friendly neighborhood on-sec and volunteer to do a write-up soon!