NYCH3 Marathon Weekend 2006


November 3-5

Plenty of fun for the whole family to be had this marathon weekend (as long as the whole family is over 21 years of age).


Friday, November 3rd, 7PM

Marathon Weekend Pub Crawl

HARES: Got Wood?

START:Puck Fair, 298 Lafayette St (betw. Houston and Prince Sts)


Saturday, November 4th, 1:30PM

Training R*n

A brief but scenic trail, courtesy of the Dogs’ Bollocks

HARE: Smashmouth

Start:SW Corner of Union Sq (4/5/6/N/Q/R/W/L to Union Square)


ATTENTION Overachieving 26-Mile-Running Bastards!

Sunday, November 5th

Marathon Beer Check

  • We’ll be located in our usual spot, on Fifth Avenue just before you hit 96th Street, on your right hand side. This is just past mile 23 mark. Be prepared for your roadside down down!
  • Send me your proposed finish time so we can keep an eye out for you.
  • Join us after your r*n at the On In (Back Page, Third Ave betwn 83rd and 84th Streets)  where we shall bestow adulation and beer upon you!
  • Good luck!


ATTENTION Underachieving Hours-and-Hours-of-Beer-Swilling Hashers

Sunday, November 5th, 10AM

Marathon Hash

HARES: Dr Steve and Jonathan

START: West side of Fifth Avenue between 96th and 97th Streets

TRANSIT: 96th Street Stop on 6 Train

Note: HASH CASH $20


  • Drink Check at 96th Street and First Avenue timed to see the elite runners go by; then back to 96th and Fifth to watch the marathon. Bagels and refreshments provided roadside. (Info on volunteering to help, click here. You’ll be reimbursed for any expenditures.)
  • Rules & Regs of the day: all BEVERAGES must be consumed in opaque plastic cups provided. Absolutely no open cans can be carried around our area; this should help keep the “man” off our backs. Clean up after yourselves by depositing all empties and other trash into the black garbage bags provided. Help keep NYCH3 beautiful and ticket-free! Five years straight with no trouble from police can be had by following these simple rules. 
  • ON ON IN: Back Page, Third Avenue between 83rd and 84th Streets, From approx 3:30PM onwards. More beer and food.
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