GGFM #225


The Truth



Official Organ of the Greater Gotham Full Moon

Hash House Harriers

G2FMH3 Hash #225

 Friday, July 10th, 2009

Hares: Lauren and Cary Grant’s Clone (Richard)       

Start: 72nd and Broadway

On-In: Parlour 86th and Broadway

Scribe: Bulldozer  

The sea was angry that day my friends, just like an old man trying to return soup in a deli.  The hares delivered their instruction in neo-Babylonian Aramaic.  The pack received these instructions with knowing winks and nod, as befitting a group that was well above average in looks and intelligence.  A moment of silence was observed to commemorate the fact we are losing too many of our celebrity role models in their prime.  With hops and skips, the pack picked up the scent of the trail, which meandered through the soft forgiving trails of Central Park and the hard concrete and asphalt of Manhattan. Actually, I did not r*n with the pack. I only showed up at the on-in, and only after most of the pasta was consumed. So there you have it. 


The circle was convened by US Marine Whore and Norma.  


 Down Downs (I think I got most of them)


The hares: Lauren and Cary Grant Jr.


Virgins and Visitors Two of the former came forward, while rumors circulated that more were loitering on the edges of the circle. Cowards all.

Public Shame was administered to Fireman Tim for deeming a wall to climb. “What a Wank” was the just punishment


Help me I’ve fallen Down and Can’t Dress Myself to Kerry for wearing socks with L and R on the… presumably they we also on the correct feet. “B-I-M-B-O”.


Why Scott Gleason felt the need to imitate the girl is beyond comprehension, but it earned him a down-down


Abuse for cell phone use on the trail to Lydia and Dara


“He’s All Right” to Pussy In Boots for “tightening up”


“She Ought To Be Publically Shot” to Sari for failing to suck hard enough on the twizzler straw.


Splat and his doppelganger Fluffy


Born-Again Virgins (aka people who haven’t been around recently) Dr. Steve, Fireman Bob, Fluffy, Trish Hoffman (still celebrating the Steelers Super Bowl victory)



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