Death March 2005: The Five Boros Hash Final Details

The Five Boro Hash is on Saturday, September 24, 2005.

To do all five boros at the recommended times you must be on the 10:30 ferry to Staten Island. That should allow you to run Staten Island and catch the 11:30 Ferry back to Manhattan. Note that the next scheduled ferry to Staten Island is at 11:30.

Lower Manhattan Start at Noon at the Heartland Brewery at South and Fulton St.

Brooklyn start at Lorimer and Metropolitan Aves at 1pm.

Long Island City start at 2pm Shannon Pot, corner of Davis and Jackson only 1 block away from Court House Square.

Upper Manhattan start at 3pm, at 119th Street and Park Ave.

Total mileage around 21 miles.

Schedule of Starts for Five Boro Hash

Things to keep in mind:

  • You can do any section of the trail you want to.
  • The trail from Lower Manhattan (starts at noon) to the Upper East Side will be at least 20 miles and can be r*n without stopping.
  • Pre-lube rules (i.e. buy your own beer) at any location you arrive by subway, car, bus, ferry, taxi or donkey.
  • Beer and water check beer and water are for those r*n to the beer check.
  • The times are set so that the pack is r*nning behind those who are doing all of the trail. Sort of a built in sweeping system. Keeps your eyes out for overheating, etc.
  • Hash cash is $20.
Start Times Actual Start Time Estimated Distance Front Runners Expected to Run Through Location Nearest Transit
10:30 am 10:30   N/A Ferry to Staten Island:
NYC Side of Staten Island Ferry – The ferry is on a 1 hour schedule at this time in the morning, so if you miss this ferry, you will be leaving for Staten Island as the runners are returning.
Bowling Green on the 4 and 5 trains
South Ferry on the 1 train
Whitehall St on the R and W trains
11:00 am 11:00 3.5 Miles plus .75 miles from Ferry to Fulton St N/A Staten Island Start:
Outside the Staten Island Ferry Terminal – Staten Island
Staten Island Ferry
12:00 noon 12:15 6 Miles N/A Lower Manhattan Start:
South Street Seaport near the Heartland Brewery on the corner of South Street and Fulton Street. The Brewery will be open at 11:30.
Fulton St/ Broadway Nassau on A, C, J, M, Z, 2, 3, 4 and 5 trains
1:00 pm 1:15 3.5 Miles 1:00 Brooklyn Start:
JR & Son 575 Lorimer St. Corner of Lorimer & Metropolitan in Williamsburg
Lorimer St Stop on the L Train
Metropolitan Av Stop on the G Train
2:00 pm 2:00 5.5 Miles 1:20 Queens Start:
Shannon Pot. It’s at 4506 Davis Street which is at the intersection of Davis and the main drag there which is Jackson.
45th Road Court Square on the 7 Train
23rd St Ely on the E and V Trains
Long Island City/ Court Square Stop on the G Train
3:00 pm 3:00 Chicken Trail 4.0 miles
Eagle Trail 7 Miles
2:00 Upper East Side Start:
Ragg’s at the corner of 119th & Park Ave.
116th St Stop on the 6 Train

116th St Stop on the 2, 3 Trains is nearby

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