Five Boro Hash Contact List

Here are the cell phone numbers and tasks of all who are working the Five Boro Hash on Saturday.

Here are the cell phone numbers and tasks of all involved on Saturday.

Task People Cell Phone
Staten Island trail and bag check Cree 917-509-9953
Lower Manhattan check Aren Cohen 646-645-2386
Manhattan to Brooklyn Trail Steve Lastoe 718.781.4103
Brooklyn Check Tim Reed 917 921 7364
Brooklyn to Queens trail Crofty 917-627-6440
Queens check patrick maura 312.375.5508
Queens to Upper East Side Trail Crofty 917-627-6440
Upper East Side to da Bronx and Back Jason 917-859-4689
Bag Car Steve Yoman 646-244-7288
Bag Car Aren Cohen 646-645-2386
Sweeping Trail Patricia Cuff 301-404-6417
Generalissimo Danny 917-754-1004
Backup just in case Ken Weingold 917-796-9949
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