GGFM #216

The Truth



Official Organ of the Greater Gotham Full Moon

Hash House Harriers

G2FMH3 Hash #216  – Friday, November 14, 2008

 Hare: FMIG and Emperess NormaStart:  Subway Bar, 60th & LexingtonOn-In:  R Bar, Meeker & Graham Ave., BrooklynPunk Ass Bitch (Scribe): Dan Wix

It was a steamy night, strange for November, but it was to be expected for the celebration of four more beers.  The hash started at the oh so seedy Subway Bar in where we were delighted by FMIG’s witty antics and the promise of a fantastic run (mostly from headlights who was there waiting for us, beer in hand).  Leaving the bar we found that we were heading not into Manhattan but, yes, across the Queensborough Bridge.  This hot steamy night was about to get more steamy, what with checks in the middle of bridges and hashers stripping left and right, or was that just Dan.  As the trail continued through queens, and then across yet another bridge the Pulaski into Brooklyn we were bedazzled with the frolicking of the dynamic duo consisting of Meredith and Brittany who spun and twirled with gay delight at every opportunity they could find.  You could also spot topless hashers shedding clothing from the steaminess.  We were greeted at the end of the Pulaski Bridge with a lovely concoction delivered by Pussy In Boots.  The trail continued through Greenpoint and into Williamsburg where we ended up at the R bar, not without more dancing and frolicking from the dynamic duo of course. 


The Hares, FMIG & Empress Norma, were greeted at the circle with much booing for our 3 borough trail, at least the beer and condoms were descent.  Our virgin hashers were; raj (the guy who decided to run the marathon last minute with no training), Bjorn (our tall industrious Norwegian), and Evon.  We also had some chivalry on trail Joey P. stuck with MasterCard who had injured herself from the marathon.  Which MasterCard was then rewarded with a down down for being so brilliant.  Empress Norma was also rewarded with a down down for breaking her own GGFM rule, trails don’t end in Brooklyn! (Editor’s Note:  NOT MY RULE!!!  BROOKLYN ROCKS!!!) Finally with some greasy balls in his hands and mouth FMIG gave a shout out for headlights masterful creation of sausage cheese balls, so mouth watering!  It turned out to be a long night, with a surprise visit from red headed Steve who also had haberdashery consisting of Hash thongs, way to sell that floss Steve!  Congratulations FMIG on four successful beers, I mean years, of hashing!  On-out.

 The Mis-management:Joint MastersUS Marine Whore                                   917.602.4747 (c)Tit-Totaler                                            On-SexBoozer                                            boozer@nyu.eduHare RaiserEmpress Norma                              empressnorma@yahoo.comReligious Advisor                                             Scot Gleason                                  scot.gleason@gmail.comHaberdasherSteve                                  

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