Sunday, January 29, 2012, 3pm
NYCH3 #1465, Just Adam’s 1 year Analversary!!
Start/Prelube: The Dead Poet, 82nd and Amsterdam
On-In: McAleer’s Pub, Amsterdam btw 80th & 81st
Hare: Just Adam
We gathered at The Dead Poet to celebrate Just Adam’s first year of hashing. He’s been racking up the Down-Downs lately and haring is pretty much a guarantee that you’ll get a few more.
But first we had to r*n his trail to see how many he should get. So off through Central Park we went and eventually found our way to McAleer’s Pub and gave out Down-Downs:
The Hare: Just Adam plus his drink check helpers Just Lynn & Just Matt
Visitor: 10 Dix with Wings
The Hares: For too much whiskey at the drink check and a Chicken/Eagle Split after the drink check
Pecker Wrecker: For taking one sip of the too much whiskey and throwing it over his shoulder
10 Dix with Wings: For following non-hashers on trail
10 Dix with Wings: Again for kicking a dog on trail
Just Matt: For falling through the double doors after drinking the too much whiskey
It just didn’t seem right to accuse Just Adam of sprinting from the drink stop back to the bar while carrying all the supplies and passing me like I was standing still. That’s like accusing myself of being DFL