The Truth



Official Organ of the Greater Gotham Full Moon

Hash House Harriers

G2FMH3 Hash #214 

 Friday, October 17th, 2008


                                                          The RGM


Hares: Lauren and Empress Norma

Start: Biddy Early’s: Church and Murray sts

On-In: Biddy Early’s: Church and Murray sts

Scribe: Lauren



Ahhh the GGFM RGM .  What does it even stand for?  Is it Regional General Meeting?  Is it Random General Meeting?  Is it Runners Going Mad?  Is it the Really Gross Men hash?  Hmm or Really Good-looking Men?   That would be better.  In reality I believe Random General Meeting is the accepted official wording.  In either case it is the fun-filled day where we celebrate the greatness of the GGFM throughout the year and make changes to the committee.  Some people may stay on, some may leave, and some may simply switch roles.  I personally have opted to ditch my role as on-sec for the GGFM.  Why you ask?  Firstly, I have enough crap to do for the NYCH3.  And secondly, there are always some annoying people (cough* Girl Scout Nookie) who promise repeatedly to do a write-up for you and never follow through.  (yes this is the second time I’m calling her out on this)


            So let’s get down to it.  The trail was AWESOME.  I mean as awesome and fantastic a trail as you ever could imagine.  There were not one, but TWO delicious (up for debate) drink checks.  There was a chicken/eagle split.  There was China town.  There were traffic lights.  There was a skate park.  There were rats, and pigeon turds, and trash heaps and every other fun obstacle imaginable on the streets of downtown greater gotham.  Empress Norma and myself spared no expense and with the help of some psychedelic side-walk chalk successfully guided the pack right back to where we started: Biddy’s.


            Biddy’s was looking a little different than it used to.  Of course the bathrooms were still GROSS.  But now they have this awesome closed off room that takes up the whole left side of the bar.  The coolness of this room must be unbelievable because no one ever goes in and no one ever goes out.  Very Wonka’s factory-esque, but doubtfully full of candy.  Oh well, we still found plenty of room to drink and eat and circle it up.


            The circle was a bit of a shit-show.  There was shouting and swearing and beer spilling from all corners (edges?) of the circle.  Norma and I got a quick down-down for managing to set the trail.  Then the old committee was quickly displaced with.  Good riddance!  And the new committee was instated.  The illustrious US Marine Whore was joined at the JM helm by none other than the lovely Tit-totaller.  Empress Norma took a bump down from the JM spot-light and became the hare-raiser.  Anna (not present) was made on-sec.  Red-headed Steve (also not present) was allowed to stay on as haberdasher.  Girl Scout Nookie was shunted into being the fluffer (only job carrying zero responsibility).  And Scot is staying on in an advisory RA type of capacity.


            There were some visitors and virgins.  The drink check crew (Splat, Pussy-in-boots, FMIG, and GSN) had lots of leftover vodka stuff for their down-downs.  Then there was some crazy business of a naming.  This chick, get this, has a tattoo of a foot on her abdomen.  It was only her third hash.  At first we all thought she was a total nut-case getting a hash tattoo after running two trails (seriously that would be INSANITY), but actually she’s had the tat for years and just liked the idea of having a little baby foot permanently drawn on her stomach (seriously that IS insanity).  So after much shouting and choosing of names she ended up being called “Fifty-dollar footsie”.  Apparently in addition to having a cool tattoo she also paid hash cash with a 50 dollar bill.


            That’s really all the circle specifics I can remember.  There was probably lots more debauchery, but it got swept away by the two dozen or so beers I managed to consume on the $25 hash cash.  Gotta love the GGFM committee and hottie Irish bartenders for making sure we get the most bang for our buck. 




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